In the Charente Maritime a lot of beaches do not allow dog to visit from April until October.
Flora & Merlot do love a beach trip and even though they are a tad wary of the water. They enjoy running around on the sand and barking repeatedly at any other dogs that may be in eye shot of them.
It is now pretty much guaranteed that when Flora gets to the beach, she will get very excited and leave a little pocket warmer pile for me to pick up and carry for the whole duration of us being there.
My favourite day to take them both to the beach has been on New Year’s Day – it is a great start to the year and blows the cobwebs away. Even if paddling may be a bit chilly, it is nice to get out there and to see so many people on the beach as-well.
I hope this season we manage to get a few beach days out for the dogs worked into the schedule, happy dogs – happy owners.
Clare x